A Little Alliteration


Can written words have that tremor
which betrays a burdened heart?

Does the sound of syllables unspoken
conjure that slight shudder

of conflicting needs
played out when lovers touch?

How so when every phrase cries out
against its limit

words shaded in their meanings

war against the rote of script
prick the gait of rhythm

as it stumbles to proceed
from one word to the next

How, do all this
and cry above and betwixt it all

of sorrows and joys in unequal measures
There are endless variations

on a words resolve
Understanding carefully recalls

syllables mispoken and forgives
the errant phrase to mend the broken

words and hearts and deeds
that alliterate

the shaking of a shoulder bare
hands that cradle head to breast

love that gives anothers need
words to grant the hearts rest

Copyright 06/26/98 Unpublished Works William M. Shannon

