The Burning


All day long I go up before the Lord
Every joint, articulated light
My bones, sinews, the fibers of my being
are woven optical pipes
I burn in the fire of my existance
I, I, I, rises to I Am

But every leaf and blade of grass
the sparrow and the falcon hawk
every living thing
from algae to Leviathin
burns with light that sings
I, I, I, I Am!

The stone and wind, water, fire,
burn, even as the continental plates collide,
the planets in their rings,
a ring around the sun, a spiral arm, the local group,
the cosmos, cries as it burns
I, I, I, to the One, I Am

Amidst so great a throng, the set of sets,
I am still heard because I have kismet,
the witness, there, in all this light
A still small voice says; I Am
and I, I, I, who burns
one tiny light amidst them all
I, I, I, am known and loved

Copyright 1/24/99 Unpublished Works William M. Shannon

