Most horses that come to Orphan Acres are adopted out once they are rehabilitated, but some have problems (often age-related) that make it difficult to find a good home for them. Occasionally, too, we get a horse for whom the right owner just doesn't come along. If one of these is the case, then the horse stays at Orphan Acres to become a part of the permanent herd which is comprised of about twenty-five horses.
The old stallions that come to Orphan Acres to retire all live in their own separate pasture together and socialize with each other. Because of this socialization, they are much better behaved than stereotypes would indicate, and are safe even for our younger volunteers to handle. Once they are conditioned and able to, the stallions are used for both driving and endurance riding. Cinnamon, the boss of the herd, can be seen throughout the year at the Palouse Driving Club's ride and drive days, as well as competing at regional endurance events. Around Christmas time, he even dresses up as Santa (also known as "Cinna Claus") to give sleigh rides! Due to his age, he is now semi-retired and participates less frequently in these events.
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Orphan Acres, Inc., 1183 Rothfork Road, Viola, ID 83872
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Web space donated by: Cactus Computer