Standard for Russian Wolfhounds
Adopted by The Russian Wolfhound Club of America February 10, 1904.

HE Russian Wolfhound Club of America, is established with a view to promote the breeding of Russian Wolfhounds; to define precisely and publish a definition of the true type; and to urge the adoption of such type by breeders, judges, dog-show committees, etc., as the only recognized unvarying standard by which Russian Wolfhounds should be judged, which may in the
future be uniformly accepted as the sole standard of excellence in breeding and awarding prizes of merit to Russian Wolfhounds; and (by giving prizes, supporting shows, and taking other steps) to do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed. Applications for membership may be made to the Secretary, Joseph B. Thomas, Jr., I Madison Ave., New York.

HEAD.--Skull slightly domed, long and narrow, with scarcely any perceptible stop, rather inclined to be Roman-nosed; jaws long, powerful and deep; teeth strong, clean and even; neither pig-jawed nor undershot; nose large and black,

EARS.--Small and fine in quality, lying back on the neck when in repose with the tips when thrown back almost touching behind occiput; raised when at attention.

EYES.--Set somewhat obliquely, dark in color, intelligent, but rather soft in expression,
never full nor stary, light in color, eyelids dark.

NECK.--Clean, free from throatiness, somewhat shorter than in the greyhound,
slightly arched, very powerful, and well set on.

SHOULDERS.--Sloping, should be fine at the withers and free from coarseness or lumber.

CHEST.--Rather narrow, with great depth of brisket.

RIBS.--Only slightly sprung, but very deep, giving room for heart and lung play.

BACK.--Rising a little at the loins in a graceful curve.

LOINS.--Extremely muscular, but rather tucked up, owing to the great depth of chest and comparative shortness of back and ribs.

FORE-LEGS....Bone flat, straight, giving free play for the elbows, which should be neither turned in nor out; pasterns strong.

FEET--Hare-shaped, with well-arched knuckles toes close and well padded.

HIND-QUARTERS.--Long-, very muscular and powerful, with well bent stifles and strong second thighs, hocks broad, clean and well let down.

TAIL.--Long, set on and carried in a graceful curve.

COAT.--Long, silky (not woolly), either flat, wavy or rather curly. On the head, ears, and front of legs it should be short and smooth; on the neck the frill should be profuse and rather curly. Feather of hind-quarters and tail, long and profuse, less so on chest and back of fore-legs.

COLOR.--Any color; white usually predominating, more or less marked with lemon, tan, brindle or grey. Whole colored specimens of these tints occasionally appear; black to be discouraged.

GENERALAPPEARANCE--Should be that of an elegant, graceful aristocrat among dogs, possessing courage and combining great muscular power with extreme speed.

SIZE--Dogs, average height at shoulder from 28to 31inches; average weight from 75 to 105 lbs. Larger dogs are often seen, extra size being no disadvantage when it is not acquired at the expense of symmetry, speed and staying quality.
Bitches are invariably smaller than dogs, and two inches less in height, and from 15 to 20 lbs. less in weight is a fair average.


Head, - - - -                                           15
Ears, - . - - - -                                             5
Eyes, - - - - -                                              5
Neck, - - - . -                                            5
Shoulders and Chest, - -                  15
Ribs, Back and Loins, -                  15
Hind-quarters, Stifles and Hocks,15
Legs and Feet, . -                               10
Coat and Feather, - -                          10
Tail, - - - - -                                                5

Total                                      100


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Copyright Rey and Yvonne McGehee 2000.