about, but rarely, if ever seen. Fine long, "dry" heads of straight lines, great bone and muscle, depth of chest thickness of loin, and general appearance of strength, with a coat of extraordinary length in fact the theoretical standard, we have all been so confused over, reproduced in practical perfection.

A Western American Wolf Hunter and His Pack of Borzoi
As a useful member of society. Coursing hounds are the only practical means of keeping down the ever-increasing scourge of wolves in the west.

   Such dogs, we also found possessed by the Boldareffs, at Woronzova, in the Province of Tamboff, from Tula a fourteen-hour trip over the route taken by the Trans-Siberian express. The hounds at Perchina vary in color from white to dark tan, while the Boldareff kennel is especially notable for its white hounds and for their magnificence of coat. One's first thought is, why have not English and American breeders secured specimens of these dogs, and why has not more been heard of them? There are three potent reasons answering this query. Primarily, these wonderful kennels are very remote from the ordinary traveled route; secondarily, owing to the English dog quarantine laws, very few borzoi


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Copyright Rey and Yvonne McGehee 2000.