The Largest Breeders and Exhibitors of Russian Wolfhounds in the World

One Mile from Village of SIMSBURY, Hartford County, Conn., U. S. A.


                    Mail: Simsbury, Conn.                                                                                           ( Joseph B. Thomas. Jr.
Address      Telephone: 14-3 Simsbury                                                                              Ralph H. Thomas,
                     Telegrams: Simsbury, Conn.                                                    Property Of       A. Douglass Dodge.
                   Cables: Tomtan. New York                                                                                     Howard H. Mossman.

                                                                                                                                                   ( Chauncey J. Hamlin.

   SIMSBURY is in the Farmington Valley and can be reached in So minutes from New Haven or 30 minutes from Westfield, Mass, via Northampton Div. N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., or in 25 minutes from Hartford and 45 minutes from Springfield on the Central New England Div. of the N. Y., N. H. & H. 12 trains daily. Floor space of buildings devoted to hounds, nearly 4000 square feet, augmented by acres of yards. Visitors are always welcome and trains will be met on request. There are constantly in the Kennels between fifty and one hundred Wolfhounds of different ages. The price of mature stud dogs,brood bitches, bitches in whelp, hunting dogs, companions, etc., is a matter of correspondence, ranging from $100 up.

Standard price for puppies at three month of age:
Males . . $50.00
Females . . 50.00
Prices for stud service of stallion hounds on application.
Prepayment by check, post office or express order is requested, safe delivery of all shipments being guaranteed.


  The age for shipping pups is about three months, although they can be shipped when younger.
A journey generally causes a pup to have bowel trouble, which will usually disappear without the use of any special food, but if it does not a tablespoon of castor oil is sufficient to check the trouble. in case of the pup having a cold, he should be given four grains of quinine, to be repeated in twelve hours, and twelve hours later given a tablespoon of castor oil.
   We consider the following foods give the best results with young dogs: Bread and milk twice each day, morning and noon, and cooked meat at night. Every other day a fresh bone is good for the dog's teeth. After he is ten months old, feed only twice each day. At this age the dog will require more sub stantial food. Water should always be kept where convenient, Never feed a pup or grown dog more than he can eat with relish.
   Pups have worms when born, which cause much sickness, and we would advise that any good worm medicine be given once a month until the pup is grown. If a pup refuses to eat he is sick and should be closely watched. If he refuses food a second time, give four grains of quinine and in six hours give a tablespoon of castor oil, which will generally bring him right.

Old Enough to Travel.


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Copyright Rey and Yvonne McGehee 2000.